Kanji Drink to Cultivate Your Gut Health

Around the same time when I first learnt about Kefir, it suddenly flashed in my mind that my MIL used to tell about a drink made with raw carrots that they used to have as kids. I had not paid much attention or asked much details before but suspecting now that it can be a fermented drink, I called my MIL to ask for details. And yes, I was right. She told me that it is called Kanji and is a drink made by fermenting carrots or beetroots or both. She also told that it was a very common drink for people in those days. I got really curious and called my mother and asked her about it and lo and behold! Same story here to my surprise! My mother told that she used to relish Kanji as a kid. When the carrots start coming in the winter, every household would prepare the Kanji drink and they would keep it in big mud pots. Before a batch finishes the next batch would be made so basically it was available throughout the winter. And my grandfather used to relish the fermented carrots and would it them as a salad with chapatis. If by chance, the carrots got finished, he would send my mother to the neighbouring house to bring some from their house.

To hear my mother's story was such a big revelation to me. Kanji was such a staple drink and my mother's favorite yet she never mentioned it ever to me even once, let alone make it! Its surprising to think how knowledge and wisdom can disappear from one generation to another out of ignorance or not knowing the worth of something. So that's the story. I just hope the Kanji knowledge never die and continue to spread through this or other channel.

Now, let us see how carrots and beetroots are fermented to make a delicious, tangy and refreshing drink.

How to ferment vegetables to make Kanji

You can use carrots or beetroots or both to make Kanji.

gut-health probiotics